environment variables - bash setenv command is not found ... 2013年7月31日 - When i find path of setenv by which command , then i found ... setenv belongs to (t)csh , not to bash which is the default shell in CentOS. Use
Linux and Unix setenv command help and examples Information about the Unix and Linux setenv command, including syntax and examples. ... Description setenv is a built-in function of the C shell (csh). It is used to define the value of environment variables. If setenv is given no arguments, it displays a
Translate between bash and tcsh commands | Joe's Blog Table of Contents Bash/Tcsh Comparison Table How It Was Generated Makefile Generate HTML (genhtml.py) Bash Commands Script (compare.sh) Tcsh Commands Script (compare.csh) Bash/Tcsh Comparison Table The table below shows bash commands and ...
bash - unix export command - Stack Overflow Welcome to StackOverflow. Note that the classic Bourne shell would require: VARIABLE=value; export VARIABLE rather than assign and export at once. The set command in C Shell is for shell variables rather than environment variables; setenv is the counterpa
Chet Ramey - RE: bash: setenv: command not found - Cygwin 2001年2月8日 - setenv/unsetenv are commands that are built into the csh family > of shells. Under bash the equivalent built ins are export and > unset.
how to source a csh script in bash to set the enviroment ... 2010年4月26日 - But I don't like csh and want to use bash to do my work. ... bash> cat setup-env.csh setenv FOO "some csh stuff" echo FOO=$FOO in csh.
How can I set environmental variables in bash using setenv? 2011年3月21日 - Is there a way to somehow use setenv command in bash? bash tcsh ... It behaves like csh/tcsh setenv regardless of the number of arguments.
Translate between bash and tcsh commands | Joe's Blog The table below shows bash commands and their equivalents in tcsh along with the tools .... 31, setenv/export, export FOOBAR="spam", setenv FOOBAR "spam".
Setenv in bash?!? [Archive] - The macosxhints Forums a little while back i read somewhere on MacOSXHints that someone had defined a function in bash that emulated (t)csh's setenv command.
Setting the Environment Variables - Root - CERN 2002年6月8日 - export ROOTSYS= /root (in bash or ksh) setenv ROOTSYS /root (in csh or ... (in bash or ksh) set path=($path $ROOTSYS/bin) (in csh or tcsh) ...